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This article is mentioned in Inheritance.
This article contains spoilers from Inheritance.

Nïdhwalar, also known as sea serpents, were giant reptilian intelligent creatures living in the Western Sea. Glaedr compared them with the Fanghur and called them "cousins of the dragons". They were described as being closer to dragons than Fanghur in terms of intelligence and like Fanghur, could use the power of their minds to incapacitate their prey. They had structures similar to the dragons' Eldunarí, which were theorised to aid in remaining at great depths for extended periods of time. The Dragon Riders tried to negotiate with them, but they always failed when they tried.

Physical description

Their heads were long and angular and they had tendrils that were about six feet in length. Their jaws were large enough for a Horse and rider to pass through unscathed and were filled with hundreds of glinting white teeth. They had giant oar shaped flippers coming off their chests.

Role in the books

Nïdhwal were one of the few beasts capable of killing dragons. The most famed case of a confrontation between a dragon and sea snake involved a dragon named Fundor, who fought a sea snake. The outcome of the confrontation is unknown. During the chapter A Crown of Ice and Snow, a Nïdhwal almost bites Saphira when she landed on the water. The Nïdhwal, in that chapter, was shown to have needle-like teeth, a mind full of nothing but insatiable hunger, a neck reminiscent of Snakes and large, oar-shaped flippers coming off its chest. Above its eyes it had bony crests above which six foot long ropy tendrils grew. Its mouth was full of hundreds of white teeth. They were also cannibalistic. They were so rare by the 8th millennium AC that they were rarely spoken of. They were normally found quite far out to sea, in its deepest depths. All attempts by the Dragon Riders to negotiate with them failed.[1]

Cuaroc was called "Hunter of the Nïdhwal" among other names.

Real World Connections

  • Nïdhwal seem to have been inspired by the Loch Ness Monster, with some attributes of a Deep Sea Oar fish.
  • The physical description of the Nïdhwal is very similar to the Liopleurodon, a large prehistoric marine reptile that lived in the Middle Jurassic Period.

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