
The Dwarven religion was centered around a pantheon of deities and the devoted worship of them. The dwarves built great temples and structures in honor of their deities.

Among the Dwarves' beliefs was the idea of a life after death. The Dwarves believed that in order to reach the afterlife, a Dwarf had to be interred within stone: this was related to their belief that the Dwarf race was created from stone. Dwarves also claimed that stone was a living organism, using the example of coral - in reality a colonial organism - as proof that stone was alive and could grow. While other types of rock appeared inert to magical inspection, Dwarf priests were believed to be able to detect life in landlocked rocks.[1] The dwarf religion was to be treated with utter secrecy, and was not spoken of to outisders.[2] The only exception was Eragon, and not until he became an honorary member of Dûrgrimst Ingeitum.[2]

See also[]


  1. Eldest, p.115
  2. 2.0 2.1 Eldest, chapter "Celbedeil"
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